Historical Sexual Allegations

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As with many crimes, there are often circumstances whereby people are falsely accused of historical sexual offences – something which can be hugely traumatic and detrimental to the lives of those affected. 

False historic allegations are a complex, unsettled area of the law, where prosecutions are often based on the complainant’s word against that of a defendant. Lack of forensic evidence is unlikely to prevent a prosecution. 

In cases involving historical allegations of a sexual nature, the passage of time can make it difficult for a witness to remember exact events.   

Often with a historic case, the accused will have no relevant criminal convictions and will be of very good character. Defence solicitors must therefore advance a positive and proactive defence case. We may also want to undermine the credibility of the complainant. You can read our section on the complainant

During a trial, the barrister will stress the good character of the accused. The aim is to put the accused before the jury as a person whose life and reputation is simply incompatible with the type of behaviour alleged. This can be reinforced with written character references for the jury to read as well as live character witnesses appearing in court.

Here at PCD Solicitors, we have vast experience in defending a wide range of sexual offence cases, including allegations of rape, sexual assault and being accused of historical sexual abuse. Our team of specialist solicitors believe that everyone deserves the right to quality legal advice and representation – no matter what the allegation. 

If you have been falsely accused of a none-recent offence – the time to act is now. Contact PCD Solicitors today to ensure you have the quality legal protection you require and deserve.